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Genuine Accessories Help Center

  • Is it necessary to have an account to shop on Genuine Accessories?
    Yes, it's necessary to log into your Genuine Accessories account to shop. Shopping as a logged-in user is fast & convenient and also provides extra security. You'll have access to a personalized shopping experience including recommendations and quicker check-out.
  • What does 'Preorder' or 'Forthcoming' mean?
    Items marked as 'Preorder' or 'Forthcoming' are expected to be released soon and you can pre-book them with sellers. Such items will be shipped after their official release by the seller with whom you've pre-booked them.
  • Can I order a product that is 'Out of Stock' or 'Temporarily Unavailable'?
    The products listed as 'Out of Stock' or 'Temporarily Unavailable' are not available for sale. Please use the 'Notify Me' feature to be informed of the product's availability on Genuine Accessories.
  • Why do I see a 'delivery charge'?
    It usually costs sellers more to ship some items. So, sometimes they choose to add a delivery charge. The delivery charge is waived off by some sellers if you shop with them for a certain amount. For more information, check the individual seller's policy on the product page.
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